About u-Care
u-Care is a multidisciplinary project funded by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC), part of UK Research and Innovation (UKRI).
The project was awarded £6.1M of funding in 2020 through EPSRC’s “Transformative Healthcare Technologies for 2050” call, and officially started on the 1st of January 2021.
The u-Care vision is to bring together a world leading team of engineers, physicists, biologists and clinician scientists based at Heriot Watt University, the University of Edinburgh and the University of Bath, in order to develop cutting-edge new healthcare technologies based on the unique properties of deep ultraviolet light. At the core of the u-Care ethos is our aim of co-creating these technologies with patient groups, charities, healthcare professionals and relevant industry.
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He is especially focused on the generation and use of bright, tuneable, and ultrashort laser pulses in the ultraviolet, both in applied contexts and experiments in fundamental science. During his PhD at Imperial College London, he also worked on X-ray high-harmonic generation, strong-field physics, and ultrafast spectroscopy.
When he is not fiddling with laser beams, he can most often be found climbing various rocks.
Funding Bodies
u-CARE Universities
Heriot-Watt University
University of Edinburgh
University of Bath
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