U-Care at Glasgow Science Festival

June 2022

Team U-Care had an incredible time based in the St Enoch Centre for Glasgow Science Festival 2022. It was a great experience speaking to a hugely varied audience about our EPSRC funded research and how it might improve healthcare in the future. Kids were able to get hands on learning about our life saving light rays, designing their own fibres, and making up a set of lungs! Some of the feedback we received included: 

“This is amazing”

“It would have changed my life years ago when I had antibiotic resistant TB”

“I worry about antibiotic resistance but it’s great that scientists are thinking about this”

Thanks again to the team at Glasgow Science Festival for an amazing week.

Contact Us

Project Manager: Dr Natalie Jones

e-mail: natalie.jones@ed.ac.uk

More info

He is especially focused on the generation and use of bright, tuneable, and ultrashort laser pulses in the ultraviolet, both in applied contexts and experiments in fundamental science. During his PhD at Imperial College London, he also worked on X-ray high-harmonic generation, strong-field physics, and ultrafast spectroscopy.

When he is not fiddling with laser beams, he can most often be found climbing various rocks.

Funding Bodies



u-CARE Universities

Heriot-Watt University

University of Edinburgh

University of Bath 

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