Ahsan Akram awarded Future Leaders Fellowship
u-Care’s Dr Ahsan Akram has been awarded a UKRI Future Leaders Fellowship to accelerate his work in lung cancer within the Centre for Inflammation Research (CIR) at the University of Edinburgh. UKRI’s Future Leaders Fellowships provide researchers and innovators...
u-Care exhibit accepted to Royal Society Summer Science Exhibition
The u-Care research group has been selected for a prestigious exhibition place at the Royal Society’s annual Summer Science Exhibition (SSE) in London. We will join just 13 other flagship exhibitors to present hands-on public engagement activities demonstrating the...
Postdoctoral Research Visit to Critical Care
Written by u-Care postdoctoral researcher Syam Mohan Through an NHS Lothian observer placement, I was able to spend a half day in the Critical Care Unit of the Edinburgh Royal Infirmary, which was a truly enlightening experience. Dr Craven, a critical care consultant,...
u-Care are heading to Orkney International Science Festival!
The u-Care team are heading to Orkney International Science Festival this September! Join us 10am-4pm on Saturday the 9th of September at Kirkwall Grammar School for Family day. You can get involved with our interactive activities including a laser maze, ultraviolet...